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Monday, November 2, 2020

And From the Ashes..."Adapting the King" Becomes "Word of the King"


At this point, I'm pretty sure I'm just shouting into the void, but alas, my obsession with the writings of King, and lately, his son Joe, have reared their head again and I have decided that this blog should come back, but with a twist.

It's no longer a Stephen King Casting blog. I'm not saying I will never again suggest that a book or story I've read by King couldn't make a decent movie, but if I do that, I likely would just make a cast list on and link it, rather than doing a whole post just casting it.

I've changed my approach entirely to what I'm reading and why. For a long while, I didn't care to read King's non-fiction or even talk about it, but then I started reading through a copy of Danse Macabre and folks, I'm ready to take the plunge and just try and read anything of King's I can get my hands on. And I'll talk about it all here.

I'm not going to start over from the beginning, necessarily, and I won't always talk about everything in chronological order, either. I also don't promise to keep everything strictly King-related. I won't just randomly talk about whatever's on my mind, it will have something to do with horror lit, or films, and I'll likely keep it to a minimum, but some things I definitely plan to talk about include (but are not limited to:

  • Work of King that is older and harder to find
  • Comic adaptations of King's works
  • Film and television adaptations of King's and Hill's work
  • Joe Hill's comics and his publishing house, Hill House Comics
  • My thoughts on my read-through of these men's entire body of work (that I can get ahold of)
Stay tuned!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, great to be back! You should see my "King of the Hill" shelf now, it's groaning under the weight of books on it. Despite not blogging for a while I've still been reading, and buying the newer stuff that's been coming out.
