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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

New Reader Poll!

I have once again put up a reader poll asking which of the actors I put forth in my Dark Tower post you think fits the role of Roland the best. Naturally I also included an option not to pick any, and if there's someone else you prefer, I encourage you to leave a comment on this post.

Before you vote, however, or comment, please keep the following considerations in mind:

  1. Roland is actually much older than he looks, and he does not look young. Many actors suggested for Roland that I've seen elsewhere are in their 20's and 30's. Others might be in their late 30's or early 40's but look at least a decade younger. Roland's got to look haggard and weather-beaten, and while make-up can help with some of that, the actor's got to have some natural creases and lines to work with.
  2. Clint Eastwood was the inspiration for Roland's look but he does not look just like Clint. I don't even think Clint has the acting talent to play him. I keep hearing Scott Eastwood brought up as a potential Roland when not only is Scott Eastwood far too young, but he has none of his father's hardness or natural badassitude, and I think the only reason people want him is because they're under the impression that we're looking for a Clint clone.
  3. Some "fan favorites" for Roland have been "fan favorites" for so long that they're now verging on too old. If the actor is 60+ now, he'll be closing in on 70 (or past it) when the series concludes. Not many actors can stay vital that long. For this reason, I rejected Viggo Mortensen, Liam Neeson, Hugh Laurie and, of course, Clint Eastwood, from consideration.
  4. I really want to try and stay away from "Marquee names". Remember when you saw the first X-Men movie and Wolverine felt like Wolverine, rather than an actor just playing Wolverine? I want that feeling. I think deep down inside, you do as well. It is for that reason (among others) that I eliminated names like Javier Bardem, Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, Daniel Craig and, ironically enough, Hugh Jackman from consideration.
  5. And, of course, I'd like to see you all get creative! Let's not just hear the same names we keep hearing.
Of course, I can't stop you from ignoring the above, but I'd like to see some real thoughts from you behind your choice, rather than just "I liked this guy in this Roland-like role", etc. So if your favorite choice for Roland is one of the names above, let me know why.

All that aside, please vote and comment away!


  1. What about Josh Brolin? I liked some of your suggestions, but I'll be damned if I can think of a better choice if the criteria is "seasoned actor the right age without any really iconic roles".

    1. If I was forced to pick an A-lister, Brolin would be the one.

  2. Mads Mikkelsen for me would have both the charisma, the look, and the grace and agility to play a gunslinger. Not sure if he is considered too mainstream though.

    1. I consider him mainstream, definitely. And there's the matter of his thick accent.

    2. I don't think the accent is that big a deal. I'd kind of prefer that Roland be an American-sounding guy, but you could always rationalize it by saying that the High Speech is a foreign language or something. I'd be fine with Mikkelsen in the role. I was also a big Javier Bardem proponent back when that was a thing.

    3. For a while, I was with you on that score. That's when I was wanting to see Mikhael Persbrandt take it. Then, on this last re-read I did, I came to think that if he had an accent that made him stand out, especially if literally no one else around him or from his past spoke that way, it would be distracting.

    4. True. You could cast the Deschains that way, or the Deschains and Cort and Vannay, or something like that. Or avoid the whole matter, which probably is the easiest solution.

  3. True! Since English is not my native language I am mostly oblivious to accents.

  4. It occurred to me that I forgot to cast a vote on this. Based on the choices put forth, I vote for Langley Kirkwood.

    1. Awesome, the reader poll is on the top right. Maybe it didn't record your vote but there's not one for Kirkwood showing.

    2. Yeah, it must've not took the first time. I did it again, though, and it shows now.
